Enzo teaching homeopathy

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Enzo teaching homeopathy

Post by Mark »

"Dear friends,

in this climate of Candlemas and transformative purification we send you our best wishes and, we think it's right on topic, the information for the next in-person course with Enzo Nastati on homeopathy.

For those who have not yet seen it, we would like to remind you that on our YouTube channel there is a recording of a webinar in which Enzo talks to us about Candlemas ("The Feast of Our Lady of Candlemas", at the link https://youtu.be/XkDzn31soh4 ).

See you soon and happy Candlemas everyone!

Arca della Vita

From the alchemical bases to being an instrument of the Healing Entities With Enzo Nastati

March 1-3, April 5-7, May 3-5, May 31-June 2.

Modigliana (province of Forlì Cesena) at the headquarters of the Pax Mundi Association , in via San Savino n. 5. ITALY

Be a member of Arca della Vita up to date with the membership fee at the time you attend the course.

The course is open to all Members , no admission assessments will be made, it is sufficient to communicate your presence via this form (https://arcadellavita.it/associazione-c ... patia.html ) and you will be considered present.

TOPICS ON THE PROGRAM : The figure of the therapist, the formation of the Earth and matter, the tetraktis , the four elements, the Wet Way and the Dry Way, Elementary Beings and Spirits, Ethers - Elements - Physical Forces, Nature - Subnature - Supernature, the new Christ Ethers, Time - Space - Movement - Life, the protein, the Body Incorruptible, the seven levels of homeopathy, the Thresholds in homeopathy, the lemniscate, extractions of the active ingredients, dynamization, actions and planetary dialogues, the substances mentioned in the Gospels, practical applications, planetary dialogues and actions of the planets, musical vibration, homeopathy Micheliana...and more.
In all likelihood the summer course that we will organize in August will constitute a complete expansion of what was covered during these four meetings. For the moment, however, only these four meetings are scheduled and there are no dates and details regarding the summer course yet .

or Friday 3.00pm-6.30pm
or Saturday morning 9.00-13.00
or Saturday afternoon 3.00pm-6.30pm
or Sunday morning 9.00-13.00
or Sunday afternoon approximately 3-5.30pm.

The contents of the following texts and videos will be acquired:
- " The Wisdom of the Rosicrucians " (by Rudolf Steiner, available from the Anthroposophical Publishing House)
- (possibly) " The Occult Science " (by Rudolf Steiner, available from Editrice Antroposofica)
- I Paths to Being in Being (videos available for free on the Arca della Vita YouTube Channel - click HERE for the complete playlist ) or 5 printed texts that can be requested free of charge from Arca della Vita, indicating the postal address to which to send them (no pdf) .


The meetings will be recorded (participants who do not want to appear in the videos are asked to report it) and published on the Arca della Vita YouTube Channel as soon as possible.

It is possible to participate in individual meetings. Please report this to the organization via the booking form, both regarding the material that will be distributed and regarding the meals. Naturally it will not be possible to return to topics already discussed in meetings in which you did not take part.

Places to stay at the course venue, bringing a sleeping bag or sheets, are limited : about twenty places in a common dormitory, with shared bathrooms ; to check availability and book accommodation , contact the Pax Mundi Association directly ( 339 532 9307 - info@paxmundi.it ).
In the surrounding area there are campsites, B&Bs and farmhouses (it is necessary to travel by car), anyone who needs it can request information from Arca della Vita or directly from the Pax Mundi Association.

For all the work of teaching, preparation of teaching material (paper and video) and organizational , Arca della Vita relies on Free Appreciation of the participants. It will be possible to make a free donation during the meetings or send it at any time to Arca della Vita (references in the "Support us" section of our website) simply indicating "homeopathy course" as the reason.

D correspond directly to the Pax Mundi Association, NOT to Ark of Life:
to) For the room, meals (lunches, dinners, breaks and breakfasts), accommodation and living expenses of electricity and heating, a contribution of €60 per day is welcome (therefore €120 per meeting) .
b) For those who don't stay overnight but enjoy lunches and dinners a contribution is welcome of €50 per day (therefore €100 per meeting).
. c) For a single meal the recommended contribution is €15.
d) For accommodation at the course location A contribution of €10 per night is appreciated ( already included in the option to) if all meals were taken ).

IMPORTANT: NO ONE WILL BE EXCLUDED FOR ECONOMIC REASONS , anyone who has difficulty can still participate. Please contact the organisation.

- Regarding all personal needs (food intolerances/allergies, special requests...) please indicate them in the booking form, in the space provided.
- Upon sending the booking form you will receive a first automatic confirmation email also containing a link for a WhatsApp group dedicated to all participants , so that you can coordinate for any car rides. Arca della Vita does not read the messages reported in that chat and does not use it for communications relating to the course: any communication relating to the course will be sent to the email indicated on the registration form. Joining the WhatsApp group is not absolutely mandatory, it is a tool that we make available to facilitate communication and coordination between the students.
- During the first meetings, instructions will be given for obtaining the laboratory material necessary for the practical exercises.

Thank you all for your attention, we are waiting for you!

FORM TO REGISTER: https://arcadellavita.it/iscrizione-cor ... patia.html