Doctoral Thesis

Research papers concerning agrohomeopathy, homeopathy (if relevant to agriculture), and so forth.
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Doctoral Thesis

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Application of homeopathycs preparation in strawberry and lettuce aiming at the culture with based agroecologic

Fabricio Rossi 2005


The awareness about risks of the use of pesticides has led to the improvment of organic systems, in which the strawberry and the lettuce fit. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the homeopathics preparation application and the dynamizations on the strawberries and the lettuce. In the three experiments with the strawberry the cultivate Oso Grande was used, being the first one in 2002/2003 and second and third in 2003/2004. In the first experiment eight homeopathics preparations in dynamization CH30 were tested, and in second, seven in the CH100 in two types of soils, Eutrudox and Quartzipsamment. The homeopathics treatments were Antimonium tartaricum, Apis mellifica, Arnica montana, Carbo vegetabilis, Kali iodatum, Kali sulfuricum, Mercurius solubilis, Natrium phosphoricum, Pulsatilla nigricans and Silicea terra. The use of clones, that should be an experimental advantage, showed itself as a difficulty, because the distance between the parcels didn't allow the isolation of the effect of the homeopathy. This fact was proven in the first experiment, in which, the absence of the periodic stimulation that exerted influences in the variation by chance left to exist and the strawberries can "inside" the information of substances and reflect in the production of seedlings. There weren't significant differences with regard to total and commercial productivity. The fruits presented differences related to pH, the treatments Antimonium tartaricum and Mercurius solubilis had presented greater acidity. In the production of seedlings Antimonium tartaricum and Natrium phosphoricum hadn't differed from the alcohol 70% and showed the lesser productions, but the Carbo vegetabilis increased the production in relation the control. This medicine showed its action in vegetative development. In the second experiment the total and commercial productivity, as well as the number of fruits, had been statistics greater in the LVef. The application of homeopathics preparations for the variable of production of fruits and seedlings didn't show differences comparing to the control. In the third experiment with strawberry it was verified the influence of preparation Carbo vegetabilis in dynamizations CH6, CH12, CH30, CH100 and CH200. The productions and the number of fruits had been evaluated, not showing differences between the Carbo vegetabilis application and the control. The dynamizations showed presented quadratic effect for the analyzed variable.

In the experiment whit lettuce it was used the cultivate Verônica, being carried through an experiment in 2004, in which if it verified the influence of Carbo vegetabilis CH6, CH12, CH30, CH100 and CH200, in the produced development of seedlings in two environments of production, a stressing, greenhouse with shade, and a normal, greenhouse with sun. The order of the treatments in normal environment had a trend of answers in polynomial regression of third degree. The point of inflection of the curve showed that the CH100 was responsible for balancing seedlings in stressing environment. In this dynamization there was an increment of the dry mass of the part area and the root system and a bigger amount of developed seedlings in the field.

Keywords: Fragaria x ananassa Duch.; Lactuca sativa Mill.; Plant Homeopathy; Plant Pathogenesy; Agrohomeopathy; Agroecologic