Tissue salts - potential applications

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Tissue salts - potential applications

Post by Mark »

Copied from a Facebook post in the 'Gardening and Farming with Homeopathy' group from Shiva Rama Krishna

Cell salts, also known as tissue salts or biochemic salts, are a group of mineral compounds that are believed to play essential roles in maintaining health and balance within living organisms. In agro homeopathy, cell salts are used to enhance plant health, growth, and resistance to diseases. Each cell salt has specific properties and applications in agro homeopathy. Here are some commonly used cell salts and their potential applications:

1 Calcarea Fluorica (Calcium Fluoride):
Strengthens plant cell walls, improving their resistance to physical damage.
Helps prevent the cracking of fruits and vegetables.
Supports root development and strengthens plant structure.
Enhances the plant's tolerance to environmental stresses, such as wind and frost.
Aids in the treatment of diseases caused by weakened cell walls, such as blights and rots.
Promotes the healing of wounds and injuries in plant tissues.
Assists in the prevention of blossom end rot in fruits.
Improves the plant's ability to absorb and utilize nutrients from the soil.
Enhances the plant's overall vigor and growth.
Increases the longevity and shelf life of harvested produce.

2 Calcarea Phosphorica (Calcium Phosphate):
Stimulates root growth and enhances nutrient absorption.
Supports the formation of strong stems and branches.
Promotes vigorous flowering and fruiting.
Enhances the plant's resilience to stress conditions.
Aids in the prevention and correction of nutrient deficiencies.
Supports the development of healthy and uniform seedlings.
Improves the plant's ability to withstand transplant shock.
Enhances the plant's tolerance to extreme temperatures.
Boosts the plant's overall productivity and yield.
Improves the quality and nutritional value of harvested crops.

3 Calcarea Sulphurica (Calcium Sulphate):
Supports enzyme production and metabolic processes in plants.
Helps combat fungal and bacterial infections in crops.
Enhances nutrient uptake and utilization.
Assists in the treatment of chlorosis (yellowing of leaves).
Promotes the formation and growth of healthy fruits and seeds.
Improves the plant's ability to resist and recover from diseases.
Supports the healing of wounds and cuts in plant tissues.
Aids in the prevention of rot and decay in stored produce.
Enhances the plant's ability to assimilate sunlight for photosynthesis.
Improves the overall health and vitality of plants.

4 Ferrum Phosphoricum (Iron Phosphate):
Corrects iron deficiencies, preventing chlorosis (yellowing of leaves).
Supports the formation of chlorophyll and aids in photosynthesis.
Enhances root development and nutrient absorption.
Increases the plant's resistance to diseases and pests.
Improves the plant's overall health and vigor.
Supports the development of healthy flowers and fruits.
Enhances the plant's ability to withstand stress conditions.
Aids in the treatment of disorders caused by nutrient imbalances.
Improves the plant's ability to withstand insect attacks.
Enhances the quality and color of harvested crops.

5 [b]Kali Muriaticum (Potassium Chloride):[/b]
Regulates water balance within plant cells.
Reduces the risk of wilting and drought stress.
Enhances the synthesis of carbohydrates and proteins.
Improves the plant's resistance to fungal diseases.
Increases the plant's tolerance to salinity stress.
Supports root development and nutrient absorption.
Enhances plant growth and overall productivity.
Assists in the treatment of fungal infections in plants.
Boosts the plant's ability to recover from environmental stresses.
Improves the taste and texture of harvested fruits and vegetables.

6 Kali Phosphoricum (Potassium Phosphate):
Boosts energy production and metabolism in plants.
Enhances the plant's resilience to stress conditions.
Stimulates root growth and nutrient absorption.
Promotes healthy flowering and fruiting.
Increases the plant's resistance to pests and diseases.
Supports the plant's ability to recover from physical damage.
Improves overall plant growth and vigor.
Enhances the plant's ability to tolerate extreme temperatures.
Aids in the prevention of premature aging and decline in plants.
Supports the development of high-quality and marketable crops.

7 Kali Sulphuricum (Potassium Sulphate):
Increases the plant's tolerance to low nutrient availability in the soil.
Improves the plant's resilience to drought and water scarcity.
Enhances the plant's ability to withstand high-temperature stress.
Stimulates the formation of healthy and vibrant flower colors.
Aids in the treatment of yellowing leaves caused by sulfur deficiency.
Supports the plant's ability to synthesize proteins and enzymes.
Improves the plant's resistance to fungal and bacterial infections.
Enhances the plant's overall health and vitality.
Supports the development of healthy and robust root systems.
Improves the quality and quantity of harvested crops.

8 Magnesia Phosphorica (Magnesium Phosphate):
Corrects magnesium deficiencies, preventing leaf yellowing.
Facilitates the conversion of sunlight into energy during photosynthesis.
Enhances root growth and nutrient uptake.
Alleviates cramping and stress in plants.
Improves fruit quality and shelf life.
Aids in the prevention of blossom-end rot in fruits like tomatoes.
Supports the development of strong and healthy plant shoots.
Enhances the plant's resistance to diseases caused by nutrient imbalances.
Improves the overall nutritional value of harvested produce.
Enhances the plant's ability to produce and retain essential oils or aromatic compounds.

9 Natrum Muriaticum (Sodium Chloride):
Regulates water uptake and prevents excessive transpiration.
Enhances the plant's tolerance to saline or brackish water irrigation.
Improves the plant's ability to withstand drought conditions.
Supports the plant's osmotic balance and nutrient absorption.
Increases the plant's resistance to diseases and pests.
Aids in the prevention of leaf wilting and water stress.
Improves the overall vigor and growth of plants.
Enhances the flavor and taste of harvested fruits and vegetables.
Supports the plant's ability to retain moisture in tissues.
Increases the plant's resistance to environmental stresses like high temperatures.

10 Natrum Phosphoricum (Sodium Phosphate):
Balances soil pH and reduces acidity.
Enhances nutrient availability and uptake.
Supports healthy root development.
Aids in the breakdown of organic matter for nutrient release.
Boosts overall plant growth and vigor.
Improves the plant's ability to utilize phosphorus efficiently.
Increases the plant's resistance to diseases caused by pH imbalances.
Supports the plant's energy production and metabolism.
Enhances the plant's ability to withstand oxidative stress.
Improves the quality and flavor of harvested crops.

11 Silicea (Silica):
Strengthens plant cell walls, increasing resistance to pests and diseases.
Enhances plant structure and rigidity.
Improves tolerance to environmental stressors such as drought and heat.
Stimulates root development and nutrient absorption.
Supports the synthesis of enzymes and proteins in plants.
Enhances the plant's resistance to fungal infections.
Improves the plant's ability to retain water and nutrients.
Enhances the plant's ability to withstand physical damage.
Supports the healing of wounds and cuts in plant tissues.
Promotes overall plant health and vigor.

12 Natrum Sulphuricum (Sodium Sulphate):
Helps prevent and treat excess moisture and waterlogging in plant roots.
Aids in the treatment of diseases caused by excess moisture, such as root rot and fungal infections.
Improves nutrient uptake and utilization.
Regulates the balance of fluids and electrolytes within plant cells.
Enhances the plant's tolerance to environmental stresses, such as water scarcity and salinity stress.
Increases the plant's resistance to diseases and pests.
Supports the plant's energy production and metabolism.
Promotes healthy growth and development of plant shoots and leaves.
Improves the quality and flavor of harvested crops.
Enhances the overall health and vitality of plants.