Mental state and homeopathic pharmacy

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Mental state and homeopathic pharmacy

Post by Mark »

Influence of mental state on the homeopathic manufacturing process?

Reischl T, Reicher B.

To investigate whether the potentization process can be influenced by the
mental state of the researcher.
Background: The reproducibility of experiments on homeopathic remedies raises a
number of complex issues, one of which is discussed under heading of “investigator
effect” (van Wijk, Smith, Walach). One possible factor of influence could be
the emotional or mental state of the person preparing the potency: Is it conceivable
for this to influence the transfer of information from a molecular mother tincture to a
high dilution? This was investigated using the development of wheat seedlings as a
bioassay. Generally a significant and consistent difference in growth between
seedlings treated with 30x potencies of gibberellic acid and water-treated controls is
observed with this bioassay (ECIM abstract 2009 by Endler et al.).
Methods: Two batches of 30x potencies (diluted to 10e-30) of gibberellic acid (G)
were prepared in different mental states: G 30x [+] was prepared in an elevated state
of “unconditional love” brought about by prior meditation, while the control
substances G 30x [-] and W 30x [-] were prepared while the investigator strove to be
in a mental state which he experienced subjectively as diffuse. Bio-organically grown
wheat (500 grains in each of 25 germination plates per group) was brought into
contact with one of the three test liquids in a blind experiment. Stalk lengths were
measured after 7 days. Data were interpreted on the assumption of G 30x [-] and W
30x [-] being reference groups which could potentially reveal a deviant effect of G
30x [+].

Results: Stalk length were (mm): G 30x [-]: 60.8 + 18.4; W 30x [-]: 56.2 + 16.8; G 30x
[+]: 57.5 + 14.3. A significant difference was found between G 30x [-] and W 30x [-]
(Scheffée: p < 0.01); no difference was found between W 30x [-] and G 30x [+] (p >
0.05), but a significant difference (p < 0.05) between G 30x [-] and G 30x [+].
Conclusion: As expected, the groups treated with G 30x [-] and W 30x [-] showed
significant differences between them (G 4.6 mm = 8.2%). A significant difference was
found between those treated with G 30x [-] and G 30x [+]. It is thus possible that the
investigator’s emotional or mental state influenced the transfer of information from
the mother tincture to the high dilution, though evidently not in an amplifying manner,
as had originally been speculated. Further investigations would be needed to
exclude the possibility of these findings being coincidental.