Yellow cellophane

For research, impressions, concerns and other related aspects of minimising weeds and pest issues using peppers and remedies.
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Potentised peppers

Post by kaviraj »

Okay, here is one for everyone.

take a 50ml bottle and fill with water.
wrap yellow cellophane around it and place in the sun for 3 hours.
potentise this to the 6th decimal dilution - 1 divided by 10 to the sixth power.
dilute this in a litre of water and succuss 50 times.
dilute in twenty litres of water, and stir according to Steiner method.
spray on any weed and it will be dead and COMPLETELY YELLOW by the next day.
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Post by Mark »

I've put this into a new topic. Would you mind if I post this to BdNow - just because there's loads more people checking that out than this forum.

But a few questions;
- will any yellow cellophane do this?
- am I right to assume that it will do this to all plants?
- will there be any lasting effect on the soil?
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Yellow cellophane

Post by kaviraj »

the cellophane must be true yellow, as in the basic yellow from the spectrum.
yes, it works on all plants.
no, it leaves no residues, due to it being an 'imponderable'. For this reason it must be made fresh each time, since in my experience it does not keep.
And of course yes, post it on BDMax by all means.
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Re: Yellow cellophane

Post by Mark »

kaviraj wrote:no, it leaves no residues.
I asked if it had any lasting effects rather than residues. I haven't tried this but assuming it works I would really want to know how and why it works. If it works by making the soil 'hostile' to the plants will it continue to have this effect? Or does it kill the plant and then have no further effect? I just have no mental traction on these things.
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Yellow Cellophane

Post by Vincent »


As far as I'm aware this method of plant control has its origin in folklore. Fine transparent coloured plastic sheeting may be used in lieu of cellophane. It generally works provided the colour of the plant to be 'treated' is not the same as that of the cellophane. For yellow plants or plants with such profusion of yellow flowers that stems & leaves can barely be seen, purple cellophane or plastic would be needed.

The colours we see in nature are those whose frequencies the 'host' plants cannot absorb. Thus green plants cannot absorb the frequency of green, yellow the frequency of yellow, red the frequency of red and so on. Yellow (or shades thereof) is the colour most associated with the end of a plant's life-cycle because as most plants die that is the colour they assume.

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The rationale of photonic and sonic infection.

Post by FHLew »

Vincent wrote:

The colours we see in nature are those whose frequencies the 'host' plants cannot absorb. ...... Yellow (or shades thereof) is the colour most associated with the end of a plant's life-cycle because as most plants die that is the colour they assume.

"If only we knew, Boss, what the stones and rain and flowers say. Maybe they call us - and we don't hear them. When will people's ears open, Boss? " So asks Zorba in Nikos Kazantzakis' Zorba the Greek.

Molecular Co-resonance

Atoms are constantly vibrating and emitting infrared radiation in a highly complex manner. However, precisely because of the complexity of their infrared vibrations, molecules also produce much lower "beat" frequencies. It turns out that these beats are within the human audible range (20 to 20,000 Hertz) and are specific for every different molecule. Thus, as well as radiating in the infrared region, molecules also broadcast frequencies in the same range as the human voice. This is the molecular signal that Benveniste detects and records. If molecules can broadcast, then they should also be able to receive. The specific broadcast of one molecular species will be picked up by another, "tuned" by its molecular structure to receive it. Benveniste calls this matching of broadcast with reception "co-resonance", and says it works like a radio set.

The human body or a plant , is made of atoms which are found throughout the Universe.The human organism can be viewed as a manifestation of vibrational states - in a sense,a cohesion of matter, sound, and light, visible for us, and thereby clearly demonstrating the similiarties between the patterns and forms we see in nature, and the patterns and forms inherent in sound

When Dr. TCN Singh from Annamalai University, South India, demonstrated that music by resonance could induce a greater agricultural yield,which is stored up energy food produced by the accelerated vibration of the plant molecules induced by musical sound waves, particularly those from high-pitched violin or from soprano voices, genetic transference of this high-yielding trait has also been observed. Botanical research has revealed that plants are capable of reacting to human behaviour with " feelings ". This Krishna-inspired departmental head in Botany paved the way for international research ( Europe and America) where at least scientists now dared to ask whether corn has ears for music.

To extrapolate from this musical experience, through resonance, Nature's omnipotent energy transformer, why can't specific healing requirements be structured in musical composition for vibratory transmission to plants for medicinal production? It is not impossible in these days of computerised genetic engineering.

The human system has need of stored up food energy produced by the resonance of two different wave-lengths of light [ Red and Blue ] during photosynthesis. Hence, the energy in plant food is the photosynthetic equivalent of a musical chord. Whether in man or in a plant, physiologically and abstractedly, life is a melody.

The applied aspect of electromagnetic infection

Kaznacheyev team demonstrated that a photon information/ regulatory system exists in biological systems due to a continual influx of EM energy from outside the system. That is, the cells of the biosystem are charged with an electromagnetic potential, and additions and changes to the potential are continually received. The cell is thus in minute disequilibrium.

Usually the myriad of continual inputs from the external environment into the cell's potential charge pattern (in its atomic nuclei) may be taken to be potential changes whose substructures are disordered. In that case, no specific environmental effect is observed except slight fluctuations without order - a miniscule form of "heating."

However, if a continual ordered substructure exists in the input from the external environment into the cell's potential, the cell's potential will gradually "charge up" with that pattern. Guided by A.G. Gurvitsch's work that showed that cells give off mitogenetic radiation (photons) that can affect other cells, the Kaznacheyev team sought an answer by looking for photons given off by the infected culture sample as its cells died.
They found that the cells in the infected culture gave off photons in the near ultraviolet when they died. Most of the time, the uninfected culture which absorbed "death photons" sickened and died with the same disease symptoms.

The Kaznacheyev experiments proved conclusively that cellular death and disease patterns can be transmitted and induced electromagnetically.* Thus as irradiation by the "death photons" continues, the "death structure" in the irradiated cells increases. It is spread throughout the cell culture by the master communication system, gradually charging the virtual state structure of that system with the death pattern.

The biosystem is open to environmental communication and exchange. Popp has shown that the cell population is in a quasi-stationary state that is far away from thermodynamic equilibrium, as pointed out by Ilya Prigogine.

Popp also concludes from his analysis that ultraweak photon emission within biological systems can influence chemical reactivity. In fact, his analysis strongly implies that "ultraweak" photon intensity can regulate the whole cell metabolism and related phenomena.

The "death photons" are detected with a phase conjugator, which by definition will produce a time-reversed counterpart to the input signal detected. In other words, the death photons are allowed to strike a phase conjugate mirror (PCM). Time-reversed counterpart photons - carrying the exact time-reversed template of the death pattern - will be created and emitted by the PCM

Extraordinary Biology

Homeopathics are potentised dilutions and are bioelectromagnetic.
Potentised spectral dilutions are imponderables with vibratory signatures
which can resonate both photonically and sonically.

With regards
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Post by Mark »

Hello Dr Lew

Thanks for posting. I have had a very brief look at your web site and - like this one - there is so much that I expect my questions are answered already if I had days to search. So please forgive me if I am asking questions that you have already answered. Perhaps you can point me in the right direction on your site.

You wrote: "If molecules can broadcast, then they should also be able to receive." I'll take that as a logical possibility but there are examples of many things which broadcast but which don't receive. Have you given greater depth to this assertion please.

Do you have links to Dr. TCN Sing's work on sound and agriculture?

You seem to have investigated what is happening at molecular and smaller scales. How does this resonance of very small entities go on to effect whole organisms? Allied to this question ... your investigations are phrased in molecular terms and I wonder if the molecular model of reality is the one to which you ascribe.

Many questions ...

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Post by GT »

Dear Dr. Lew
you posted:"Botanical research has revealed that plants are capable of reacting to human behaviour with " feelings ". This Krishna-inspired departmental head in Botany paved the way for international research ( Europe and America) where at least scientists now dared to ask whether corn has ears for music...................................................................."

My favorite book of all time called "THE SECRET LIFE OF PLANTS" by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird

Goes into this in detail......................................................................... :D

GT (from
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Post by FHLew »

Mark asked:


[b]Mind control documentaries excerpts [/b] ... dcon20.htm

< Do you have links to Dr. TCN Sing's work on sound and agriculture? >
I do not have any link to Dr. TCN Singh 's research but recently it was reported in the Malaysian newspapers about a resonator that can
energise water in ponds yielding a better harvest of padi ( rice ).

Holistic Farming

With regards
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