Apples and Eurhythmy

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Apples and Eurhythmy

Post by Mark »

Changing the taste of apples by eurythmic treatments

Eckart Grundmann*, Tanja Baumgartner

Abstract: Eurythmy is a performing art based on anthroposophy which tries to make non-visible forces visible by human movements. According to the concept of anthroposophy a eurythmist is capable to come into an exchange with the life forces of organisms through his movements. In a field experiment – executed by the Institute ArteNova in cooperation with an apple farmer – a eurythmist treated trees of two apple varieties with a sequence of eurythmic gestures to observe the impact on the fruit quality. The apples showed no differences in the laboratory test of sugar content and firmness. In the sensory test, significant differences could be found in several parameters like freshness, crunchiness or the total judgement. The results present a basic effect of human movements on the taste of plants. Furthermore, it was possible to find appropriate movements for pre-determined aims. Eurythmic movements could be seen as a possible method for agricultural systems which refuse pesticides and other synthetic substances. Follow-up experiments with different varieties, fruits, and places should verify the effects.

Keywords: Food quality; Biodynamic agriculture; Non-ma- terial influences; eurythmic
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Re: Apples and Eurhythmy

Post by Mark »

Wirkt gerichtetes Verhalten auf Pflanzen? Zum Einfluss von eurythmischer Gesten auf Wachstum und Bildekraftgestik von Kopfsalat

Auto-English gobbledegoogle version here

On the influence of eurythmic gestures on the growth and formative gestures of lettuce

Plant varieties are usually characterized by characteristic morphological features in their growth. Is it possible to specifically change the growth gestures and shape of the plant through targeted human behavior? In anthroposophical terminology, this would take place on the level of the life force body, the etheric level. In order to investigate this question based on initial evidence from biodynamic breeders, numerous experiments have been carried out over the last eight years: seeds soaked in water in particular were subjected to such treatment. Influences were synchronization with planetary constellations, individual tones and intervals, eurythmic gestures and later, based on this, certain meditations by the experimenter.
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