Enzo in the USA in 2013

Now devotional Agriculture - was "Trinium" - formerly "homeodynamic agriculture".
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Enzo in the USA in 2013

Post by Mark »

Enzo Nastati is pencilled in for some teaching in the USA in October 2013. Enzo is a fascinating man and his thoughts and research reach to the very foundation of biodynamic agriculture. I would go as far as to provoke you and say that you need to forge an informed opinion about his work if you are going to understand the potential for biodynamics in the present times and with the challenges that have arisen since 1924. The organiser of the Enzo's events is Caren von Gontard who can be contacted at 'carenvg at gmail dot com'. I think that the course would be more likely to proceed and the organisers would be encouraged to hear from you if you were to make contact and see how the preparations are progressing.